lundi 8 février 2021

Yoga Benefits

 Building stronger arms with yoga

At first glance, most yoga poses seem more of a feat of flexibility than being an exercise to increase strength. Since arm strength is probably the most considered when assessing raw power, most beginners wonder if yoga can strengthen the arms. Yes, he can.

How to meditate with a mantra

Nowadays, every time a politician repeats a promise over and over again, commentators say that this promise has become a "mantra". for this politician. For journalists, the word ?? Mantra?? means a meaningless sentence that repeats itself endlessly. For yogis, however, a mantra is a word or a collection of words, which has the power to free a human being from all limitations.

How can the repetition of a word or a few words have the ability to cause such a miraculous result ...

Prenatal yoga teaches breathing and relaxation exercises for pregnant women

Prenatal yoga is an exercise designed to promote breathing exercises, posture and emotional relaxation. This approach is often sought by pregnant women who are preparing for a natural birth or who wish to remain physically and emotionally healthy during pregnancy. One of the many benefits of prenatal yoga is the lack of physical effort required, making it a safe practice for many expectant mothers.

During the pain associated with a natural...

Using yoga to lose weight

Yoga can be used wisely to eliminate extra pounds thanks to the power to create a state of mental and physical well-being. The basics of yoga promote a healthy lifestyle and, when combined with a reduction in calories, can help accelerate your weight loss. It will increase your metabolism by increasing the caloric combustion process. Any weight loss is based on using more calories than you consume. This will also allow you to increase your ability to focus and focus...

Yoga helps you lower blood pressure

Hypertension is a common disease nowadays, which, if not treated properly, can cause many damage to other organs of the body. People with high blood pressure should lower blood pressure to neutralize the effects of high blood pressure on their body.

Eight incredible benefits of teaching yoga

You want to find a reason why you should become a yoga teacher. Well, here are 8 good reasons for you!

I have to thank Yoga if I ever win a Grammy

Aside from voice lessons, another thing that helps you sing or speak in public will be a feeling of relaxation and flexibility in the throat. While some can count on hot tea, lemon and honey? to achieve this, some yoga postures are useful for achieving these needs and much more. Let's find out

The 5 divine envelopes of the subtle human body.

The partitioning of the 5 sheaths was presented in the categorization of the three bodies. These 3 are coarse, subtle and casual bodies. The coarse body is composed of food and vital force sheath. The 5 elements and 5 Vital Forces (Pranas) are integrated. The subtle body is composed of the mental and intellectual sheath. These 2 can be called conscious intellect and unconscious mind. The relaxed body is made up of the Bliss sheath.

Yoga - The solution for insomnia

If you are constantly awake about trivial issues, these solutions will help you get a good night's sleep. Keep in mind that not all solutions are right for everyone, so try the simplest ideas and incorporate them into your lifestyle.

Yoga helps heal their lives

What happens in the body when you do your asanas? Most of us realize that yoga increases and maintains flexibility, strengthens muscles and increases endurance. All forms of yoga invite the participant to take care of his breathing and to notice the inner calm. Most people who participate feel unique in this form of movement. Many of us are content to feel this, leaving an explanation of how this affects our body and mind in the realm of my.

Yoga Benefits

  Building stronger arms with yoga At first glance, most yoga poses seem more of a feat of flexibility than being an exercise to increase st...